Sim Racing


Homebrewed Hardware

  • GT Wheel

    • Custom 3D Printed Enclosure

    • Paddle shifters

    • 4x Momentary Buttons

    • 2x Toggles

    • Encoder

    • Funky Switch

  • Button Box

    • 1x

    • Ignition Switch

    • Starter Button

    • 8x Momentary Inputs

    • Funky Switch

For more information see the links below:

SimRacingProjects: BOM, code, and instructions for all home built accessories

SimRacingInputs: Arduino library for processing button and encoder inputs and sending them as keyboard or joystick inputs


SimRacingAnalysis: MATLAB software for reverse engineering car parameters from ACC. It can extract sprung mass properties like CoG, estimate downforce and drag as a function of speed, ride heights, and wing/splitter settings, all from a serious of maneuvers performed in game. It is built on top of my VehicleAnalysis repo.

SDMotecWorkspace: MoTeC i2 workspace designed to be compatible with multiple simulators (ACC and iRacing currently), and provides a large number of calculatioe metrics/graphs for things like:

  • Drive inputs (throttle, brake, steering), instantaneous and lap average application rate

  • Slip angle, slip ratio, oversteer angle

  • Tire loading distribution

  • Acceleration during phases (e.g. braking, aero dominant, etc)

  • Front and rear roll gradients, roll angles, and roll ratio

  • Damper velocity histograms

  • Ride height and rake angle

  • Tire temperature and pressure biases, brake temperature rates

  • Fuel consumption rate

  • Hybrid system deploy rates, charge rates, braking regen efficiency

  • etc.